Friday, March 30, 2012

Weekend Rescue Mission

so it's finally the weekend!yay!and i get to spend time with all my friends from school at a birthday party.It should be fun i hope we go to the mall instead of going to see the Hunger Games which will cost me an arm and a leg when i could end up going for free later. I really want to buy a We Came As Romans t-shirt form Hot Topic but there was also another shirt i had my eye on at Zumiez but i think i may be more expensivethere:Peverything at the mall is expensive!>.<'i hope tonight my friend's sister wont be there.i always feel uncomfortable around her cause i know how badly she treats her younger sister and she's can get on my nerves fast.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


History Fair

well today's the history fair:Pthis is gunna suck...i think the worse part is when they call you in one by one into a class room and ask you questions.I wouldn't mind telling them information they didn't know and wasn't on my dispay board.I feel like i am just reapeting information that they already know and then that makes me fell like i will screw up.bleh-_-' and we have to go to a horse ranch and serve.i don't really like horses so it just made my day even more stressful and yucky.why can we take care of rainicorns?!?!?!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Black French and a Charm

I got this idea from someone else but i loved it and thought it was cute it got a little screwed up but that happens

the colors are
  1. Avon: Sheer French Pink
  2. Orly: Shimmer clear coat
  3. Sinfulcolors: Black on Black
  4. Clear coat
my grandpa also got me a Keep Calm And Carry On charm.i love it so's perfect!it has the crown on the back too.

100th post!

this is my 100th post!yay!(>^_^)>(it's also the 100th annaversery of OREOS too)i feel like i should do something special......well heres a pick that has to do with the number 100:)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Uncle Invasion

so my uncle and 3 other people just invaded our house for 5 minutes and's was werid cause it's the middle of the night and the girls they were with i don't think they hung out with....and i don't really care for was super awkward.he even busted his knuckle open knocking on the door.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Nothing Cures....

Nothing cures my morning grouchiness like phil and dan<3(well maybe mitchell davis) and good music.i have been hooked on 2 songs by the White Tie Affair called Allow Me To Introduce Myself...Mr.Right and Watching You.i'm hopeing to be in a better mood today:\i think if i try i can be
Allow Me To Indtroduce Myself...Mr.Right
Watching You

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Yet Another Day

it's the second day back since spring break:(i can already feel the terribleness of it all coming back:P

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Box!

So i practically just got home from school and when i was walking upstairs there upon my kitchen counter was a box.I though "could it be????"and YES!in fact it was my Throwboy Triangle Pillow!!!!<3I LOVE IT SO MUCH!
then i saw a huge lime green round thing in a plastic bag...... i wondered what in the world it could be because all i ordered was a triangle pillow.i pulled this out
with this note inside

i think that was REALLY cool of them to do that:)except the whole"wtf" that is on the pillow I'm not really into considering that it's an abbreviation with a bad word:P but i like to make it into my own saying by replacing the bad word with a better one.but still i think that pillow will be staying underneath my comforter:)it's still nice and soft.i also got an awesome pin to put on my school bag along with all my other pins:D

Sunday, March 18, 2012


i thought that cherry blossoms would be a great idea for spring:)and since i have been watching quite a bit of anime lately it just seems perfect.enjoy:)

the colors are:
  1. Avon: Sheer French Pink
  2. Avon: Strawberry
  3. Jordana:Black
  4. Pure Ice: Spit Fire
  5. Clear dry quick coat

Sunday Cook-Out

so my family is comng over to eat dinner and cook out.i guess that's okay.of course saved my homework for the last minute of spring break to finish so i will be doing that all night:P.i'm so lazy!but i bought some new music on itunes that will hopefully get me through it:)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Amazingphil and Danisnotonfire

so these guys have been stealing my spring break away so i thought i would finally do something creative and do a manicure in tribute to them.the faces and the right thunb got screwed up:(and you can't see the llama oh well....i used sooooo many colors i decided not to post what they were:)
Left hand
  • Thumb:"danisnotonfire"w/ a heart
  • Pointer: blue lava lamp
  • Middle:Dan
  • Ring:Llama
  • Pinkie:dinosaur
Right hand
  • Thumb:"Amazingphil" w/ a cat face
  • Pointer:Toro pokemon
  • Middle:Phil
  • Ring: lion
  • Pinkie:zebra pattern

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pills are EVIL

so whenever im sick i try to take pills to make me feel better (which i guess is wat they are supposed to do lolX3)anyways whenever i take them they do absolutley nothing.....nothingat all-_-' this is so frustrateing so i have decided to stop takeing the pills that were actually makeing me feel nose is still a little stuffy but at least i don't have to blow my nose LITERALLY;D ever 10 freakin' minutes!anyways....i have had a moderateley good day and i got to go outside and enjoy myself and act like a spazz with my friend which was loads of fun.i nd myself more energetic after watching Phil and Dan.i think their craziness is rubbing off on me:)and AlSOOOooooOOOooOo i have a youtube channel now!(yaaay:3)yeah idk if i will be posting anything very good or meaningful but you can subcribe to me by clicking ths link that will take you to my channel which is named .pandadetonation.

Spring Break Day 3

So i have been realy bored and tired and i finished all the videos of Dan and Phil that i could on xbox so now i don't know what to do:(i probly should work on some homework but i really don't want to.right now i am listening to a preveiw of Muse: Origin of's not too bad but i don't think i would buy it.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Yep....This Would Happen

so i turns out it's not allergies it's a cold.and knowing how colds are i will have this till at least halfway through summer:Pi hate getting sick:P exspecially on vacations because that's the time i like to get caught up and do things i wouldn't normally have time for but it's kinda hard to do when you to worn out to do anything and all you feel like doing is sleeping your life o will post a pick of something that makes me smile:)

Monday, March 12, 2012

This didn't work out

so i thought i was going to have a good time on spring break but instead i either got a cold or i developed some insane allergy that like to mess with my head:(the good thing though is that my throat stopped hurting which for me is a big relief but now my nose is going haywire and sometimes i get this stupid throbbing headache:Pwell at least i can watch AmazingPhil and danisnotonfire off my xbox all day:)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Lifehouse Human Video

this was the human video my youth group and I worked on.i am so proud of these guys:Dthe beginning is a little cut off but you can get the point

Spring Break

For me spring break officially starts now:)It starting off pretty good too!our human video performance was a success and there was some new kids who attended youth group after services.i hope they come back.the only bad thing so far is that my throat has been bothering's been getting better though:Dsoon i am going to go hang out with a couple friends for one their birthdays.idk what we r going to do but it's probly going to be fun:D

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Why be so negative?

so i have been following a guy on this site who keeps bashing on david tennant:P....and almost anything else he sees isn't fit.i think all these guys are great and bring their own spin tho The Doctor character.of course other people don't have to agree but it makes me feel better posting about it

Art Competition: Polaroid Girl

 sorry the bottom half of the pic is blank:/i don't really know how to use a scanner:PBut anyways this will be a pic i am entering in an art competition.i doubt that it will win anything but i guess i can try.the shading i did didn't show up which sucks :Penjoy!

David Tennant T-Shirt

so i got this t-shirt for my birthday last year and it is a little too big so i don't really wear it out anywhere sooooo i decided to give it a try today:)i saftey pinned it in the back to make it a little better:)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Maze Garden

So i think this kinda looks like hedges...or a maze:3pretty neat!i love it<3
i was gong to do blue but i though the neon green would be appropriate for st.patricks day:Dthe colors are pretty simple so i won't post what they are specifically

Wakeing Up

it is so nice wakeing up in the morning with my window really helps set the mood for the day.the only problem was the insane barking that woke me up across the street...oh well:)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


so again i am starting a new anime because i went through Gunslinger Girl fast and to tell the truth it had a sucky ending:Pi was disappointed.but now i am giving Clannad a far its good but i am only to episode 5.

Monday, March 5, 2012

8 Degrees

i am ready for winter to be done.i love winter but i hate haveing to wear a hudge winter coat:Pi basically didn't wear one at all thi winter unless it was like 20 degrees out.right now it's 8 degrees.the only thing is im at school all day anways so i don't see the point in wearing one

Sunday, March 4, 2012

.currentmood./lyric wall#2

the only problem is i dont have anything to decorate with:Pso i want to do another lyric i am haveing problems finding the one i want though

French Mustache

So I got this idea when i saw a pic on a website I'm a part of.Here is the (PICTURE!)I pretty much just copied what that other person did accept their's is alot better and the base coat is more pink.I think the are so adorable and it was actually surprisingly easy to do:)

the colors are:
  1. Avon: Sheer French Pink
  2. Sinful Colors: Snow Me White
  3. Sinful Colors:Black On Black
  4. Art Deco:White
  5. Clear coat

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Lorax

Ever since I was a kid I loved Dr.Seuss. I just went to see The Lorax w/ my mom and cousin.I enjoyed it.It nice to still be able to have kids movies that can entertain all ages:)

Gunslinger Girl

So lately I have been getting into this anime called Gunslinger Girl.I thought I wasn't going to enjoy it much but I have gotten attached to the characters especially little Henrietta:)The show is about an agency that takes girls that are near death and gives them new bodies/they turn into cyborgs.They are trained to be assassins and each girl has a Handler that she protects and gets her conditioning from.They have short life spans and aren't supposed to live with other people so they stay at the agency in dorms with each other. Each girl would lay down their life for their handler which I think is neat and it makes for an interesting plot considering the different relationships between the girls and their Handlers.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

He's Surely Alive

I don't really have much to say about this one:\i like it though:)

 the colors are:
  1. Sally Hansen X-treme Wear:Mint Sorbet
  2. Art Deco:Red and White
  3. Clear Coat